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Nomadic Creativity

Your houseplants need some hardcore music.

Your houseplants need some hardcore music 🤔 

Hardcore is known for its intensity, attitude, angst, grit, and DIY ethos.

And now its proven that this adrenaline-fueled-sub-genre of punk rock… 

… is perfect for awakening your senses—and your plants.

Horticulturist Chris Beardshaw, says:

“The thumping, repetitive, high-decibel noise of hardcore, stimulates and energizes plants cells; almost as if they’re bouncing around in a tiny hardcore mosh pit.” 🌿🎶 

Outdoorsy hype brand Brain Dead thought it was rad.

And brought the worlds of gardening and hardcore together.

Teaming up with Spotify they united both worlds.

To create Plant Growth Through Extreme Noise events with:

→ A full day of gardening workshops

→ Live hardcore music.

→ Plus Hardcore Gardening, a Spotify playlist.

Weird? We don’t think so.

It’s genius, because:

╳ It’s an idea with hardcore cut through.

╳ It’s an idea that connects across cultures.

╳ It’s an idea that feels authentic to Brain Dead.

Let’s turn these plants a right up.

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