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Exploratory Thinking

Would you rather name your baby or your brand? 🤔 

Think it. Create it. Build it. Name it.

Easy right my fellow brand builders?

Well not really.

They all take a bit of work.

And the icing on the cake is what you call the damn thing.

This new to world product product…

This new innovation that will change things to ever…

That new brand or business….

… It needs a name!!

What the hell do you call the thing?

It’s a bit like naming your first newborn.

Or is it?

Naming your newborn your new born goes something like this:

✅ Does it fits with his or her surname?
✅ Can you imagine shouting it when they don’t tidy their bedroom? 😬 
✅ Is it different but not so different they’ll get picked on?
✅ Is it classic but modern?
✅ Is there any negative associations with it (previous lover or the name of a client you didn’t like)? 😂 

So you review the top 20 baby names list of 2023.
You list the names on your family and friends you like.
You listing out the names of your idols.

And bang.
You’ve got it.
You keep it close to your chest.
You announce X (not that one 🤣 ) to the world. 🌍 

And you spend the next 18 years shouting it.
At first gently. 👼 
By the end at the top of your voice. 
Over and over again. 🤣 

As for naming brands and products …

… well it’s another f**n ball game, isn’t it?

❎ There is no list to choose from, you have to make one from scratch.
❎ Your idols names are already gone, and copyrighted.
❎ It has to be different and distinctive but most of the words in the dictionary are already taken.
❎ Classic or modern? It really depends on design…
❎ Negative associations; you can be guaranteed you legal department will find one 

But here is the thing.
There is some good news.

Done properly. 
And naming you brand / product …
… can be the most exciting part of the branding process.
As exciting as naming your real baby.
A naming ceremony to remember. 😎 

And over at Excursion Studio.
We’ve used our experience of naming all sorts of brands and products.
In all sorts of categories to create.
An awesome naming process.

So if you need to name your new product, or business.
Here is what to do next👇 

• Click the link below

• Choose a 45 minute slot

• Book your FREE Excursion Studio Brand Appraisal

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