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Exploratory Thinking

Lessons from the leftfield Italian subculture of the Umarell

Umarell, a term coined back in 2005 by Bolognese blogger Danilo Massotti and one that has spread across Italy and even further afield some would say.

But what is an Umarell?

They’re the old guys of retirement age who pass their time watching construction sites, especially roadworks, with hands stereotypically clasped behind their backs offering up unwanted advice to the workers.

I think we all know an Umarell of sorts in our family and friends circle 😂 

This somewhat leftfield term has become so ingrained in popular culture that even the likes of Burger King have leveraged its popularity in Italy to increase their presence in the country in the past.

Even construction sites have embraced the Umarell by installing viewing ports into their site hoardings 😂 

But what could brands take away from the legion of Umarells?

Taking the time to stop, analyse and listen to the ‘unwanted advice’ from others could be key components in driving your brand or products to new heights.

✅ Look beyond in-house marketing teams to unlock and open up your brand and products to exciting and fresh new ideas.

✅ Take an outside-in approach to a new level and actively engage and listen to your consumers to REALLY understand what they truly expect from your brand and products.

✅ Look for outside perspectives it’s essential for any brand, big or small. To quote American author and inspirational audio speaker Ralph Marston: “Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You’re able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgement.”

If the Umarells can teach us one thing it’s the importance of being open to listening to others’ viewpoints.

Viewpoints that can expose us to thoughts that don’t exist in our own minds, which could open up potential for exciting new perspectives you may not have considered before.

If you are looking for branding help. Were clasped hands behind your back is optional 😂 
Hit up: Excursion Studio ✖

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