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What’s all the hype around the Big Red Boot?

This week Astro Boy’s big red boot exploded across the internet.

Launched by American artist collective slash hype brand MSCHF, they’ve been everywhere ($350 if you want to rock a pair).

They describe them as:

“Cartoon boots for a Cool 3D World.” 

“Cartoonishness is an abstraction that frees us from the constraints of reality. If you kick someone in these boots they go BOING!”

It’s a lesson for any brand looking at building hype around their brand:

1. Take something with cultural resonance:

Astro boy has cult status, it was originally founded in 1963 and had a significant impact on Manga storytelling. It’s authentic but still has a bit of geeky underground appeal to tap into fandom (vs something like Pokeman).

2. Leverage something super distinctive:

You can’t get away from a big red boot. It’s astro-boys ‘key brand asset’. They celebrated it in all its glory in an uncompromising way, by:

3. Reinterpret these two things with fresh appeal:

Launching it as a shoe taps into all aspects of hype, meme culture, art and a trend for celebrating the hyper surreal (Did you see Sam Smiths Brit costume?) and the blurring of real and virtual worlds.

4. Leak then let lose with the right influencers:

Before boot was available to buy (today is the day) the hype was generated through getting the boot on the feet of influencers.

Now who’s going to show up to a meeting in a pair of these?

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