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Way Out There

Field notes on journeys into expansive spaces

Creative Explorers

Introducing: Timea Balo aka TimTim

We looked a little closer to home for this week’s creative explorer and we’ve found an absolute mega talent.

Introducing Timea Balo aka TimTim.

Her bright and bold, squishy and puffy 3D experiments and detailed work are not just incredibly mesmerizing and an absolute visual dream. They’re also a fantastic reminder to always experiment, keep it colorful and always have fun with your work.

TimTim’s work spans across multiple mediums and platforms with designs for the likes of Stylist Magazine, Art Act Festival, Polvoprod and much more. And what’s great is her puffy, playful, bright, bold and squishy 3D style, synonymous with her work, is not lost.

Keep up the great work TimTim and keep putting Liverpool on the creative map.

Go check her works out over on her Instagram HERE

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The marketing world is increasingly crowded, noisy, fake, and complex. So we help brands thrive by taking them into expansive new spaces.

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