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Way Out There

Field notes on journeys into expansive spaces

Creative Explorers

Introducing: Alexis Berg

Alexis is one of the world’s top sports journalists and photographers.

A lensman who goes far beyond finish line photos.

From snow capped mountains to dry desserts. 

He fully immerses himself into the culture of ultra-distance sport.

In the pursuit of capturing the raw essence of endurance events. 

Alexis has captured and documented some of the world’s most challenging races.

From the gruelling Barkely marathons to the prestigious UTMB event. 

His willingness to go beyond the finish line has allowed him to chronicle not just the races themselves.

But the grit and determination of the athletes who tackle these formidable races.

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Creative Explorers

Creative Explorers

About Excursion Studio

We are a brand consultancy, design studio and ideas shop for a noisy planet.

The marketing world is increasingly crowded, noisy, fake, and complex. So we help brands thrive by taking them into expansive new spaces.

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