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Exploratory Thinking

How you can bag a sale and build the brand

You’re in the trenches, hustlin’ for your business. 

Like a plucky underdog boxer, you’re fighting with a budget so tight it squeaks when you breathe. 

No fancy ad placements, no massive distribution. 

It’s David vs. Goliath, and you’re slingin’ pebbles.

But here’s the twist.

You’ve probably got your performance marketing down to a tea.

You’re not the only one. 

You, and your competitors are all spending a lot of cash.

You’re not just playing the internet game; you’re winning at it. 

Google, Instagram, search and email it is addictive.

It is is your secret sauce. 

It’s like having an ATM that never runs dry. Cha-ching!

But hold on a sec. Let’s peel back the curtain here. 

Whilst it’s your growth engine, how are you building your brand?

How are you forging a connection?

… a bond that’s stronger than Krazy Glue. 

See if you don’t, your performance marketing is simply going to run out of road.

And building awareness, consideration and engagement, is a long term play that compounds the effect of your performance marketing.

Don’t believe us, ask Uncle Les and Uncle Peter about their IPA’s studies.

Because building a brand is about making your tribe feel something deep in their gut when they see your logo.

But I get it. 

Both roads are rocky when you’re tight on cash. 

Building brand, that’s the long game. 

It’s like planting seeds in fertile soil, knowing that someday those sprouts will turn into mighty oaks.

Performance marketing, though? That’s instant gratification. It’s the thrill of bagging the sale right here, right now.

But you wanna know the real magic trick, my friend? 

It’s weaving these two worlds together. 

There’s no great wall between ’em. 

There’s just the highway to growth.

So, ask yourself this: 

Where else can you tell your brand’s tale? 

Is it in those emails you fire off? 

Is it in the way you wrap your product? 

Or perhaps, it’s in the art of the follow-up.

See, it’s not ‘either-or’; it’s ‘together-and.’ 

You’re not balancing on a tightrope – you’re building a bridge.

In this game, there’s no divide, just expansion. 

Every tactic, every move you make should answer this question: How can I forge a tighter brand connection and snag that sale?

So, Brand Explorer, remember this – it ain’t just about throwing punches in the ring. 

It’s about choreographing a dance that leaves your audience in awe. 

You’re the director, and your stage is the world wide web.

Now, go out there, tell your story, and let ’em know that you’re not just winning at the internet – you’re owning it.

Yours in hustle

Neil Bennett

Founder and hustle maker

PS want help weaving your brand into your performance marketing?

Click the link here
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