Our blog:

Way Out There

Field notes on journeys into expansive spaces

Nomadic Creativity

Are your products apocalypse proof?

The space you take your brand to should give you a POV that:

Ⅹ Allows you to tell stories over and over again

Fuel’s real product innovation

Allows you connect into culture

That’s why we love (and bang on about) Vollebak.

Founded by twin brothers Nick and Steve Tidball, they consistently push the boundaries of product innovations and sustainable fashion.

“We use science and technology to make the future of clothing happen faster,” they say.

And the result are epic!

With products and stories that only a strong apocalyptic POV can create.

Products and stories which include:

Ⅹ A ‘Black algae shirt’
Which was grown in a forest 🌲🌳

Ⅹ A pair of ‘100 year sweatpants’
Built to withstand fire, nature, water 🌲💧

Ⅹ The Apocalypse Jacket (a personal favourite)
Launched around NASA’s recent mission to knock an asteroid off course, the price of the jacket was set by the success or the failure of the mission 🚀☄️

You see, only a strong POV can lead you to products and brand stories that are apocalypse proof.

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About Excursion Studio

We are a brand consultancy, design studio and ideas shop for a noisy planet.

The marketing world is increasingly crowded, noisy, fake, and complex. So we help brands thrive by taking them into expansive new spaces.

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