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Way Out There

Field notes on journeys into expansive spaces

Nomadic Creativity, Featured

Take aim and fire at it

Last Thursday, Mammut made a bold statement in central London.

Declaring to the world their “NOT A STREETWEAR BRAND”.

Where many outdoor brands have embraced ‘street’, in responce to the rise in the gorp core trends.

Mammut have flipped the script in search of diffrent kind of embrace.

One that seeks to embrace city dwellers and reconnet them with the great outdoors.

The idea:

X Inspire them to embrace their adventurous spirit

X Delivers a strong point of view

X Prokes at the competition

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About Excursion Studio

We are a brand consultancy, design studio and ideas shop for a noisy planet.

The marketing world is increasingly crowded, noisy, fake, and complex. So we help brands thrive by taking them into expansive new spaces.

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