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Way Out There

Field notes on journeys into expansive spaces

Exploratory Thinking

Who wants to embrace the art of Chindogu?

Embrace the madcap ideas 🤪 

Introducing the art of ‘Chindogu’.
“Un-useless” inventions for everyday tasks and solutions.
Who wouldn’t want a ‘stick of butter’ to butter their toast or a lipstick guide for that perfect application? 🧈💄

These zany and comical creations are a great reminder to embrace the madcap ideas everyone once in a while.

That, not every solution has to be so serious.
That, having some fun with our ideas is fine.
Even if they are a little bit ‘out of this universe’ 

So, the next time you’re thinking of a solution to a problem or looking to embrace your more eccentric ideas.

Why not tap into the spirit of ‘Chindogu’ and embrace your more eccentric ideas?

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We are a brand consultancy, design studio and ideas shop for a noisy planet.

The marketing world is increasingly crowded, noisy, fake, and complex. So we help brands thrive by taking them into expansive new spaces.

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