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Nomadic Creativity

Adidas’ BIG Euro powered pop-up💥

Go BIG and excite the audience!

That’s what we imagine the strategy was from Adidas here.

And as we go into an exciting week of semi finals and finals.

We’re reminded of just how epic their’ ‘Home of Adidas Football’ pop-up is in Berlin!

It’s loaded with:

🎨 Creativity

A maker’s lab to customise your shirt, get a tattoo, get your hair styled

⚽️ Education

Exhibits of historic Adidas football kits and rare memorabilia

🎸 Excitement

Live match screenings, concerts, meet and greets

🕹️ Experiences

E-gaming area, a multi-functional sports field, food and drinks area

They’ve built the perfect hub for football fans, locals and loyal brand followers.

An epic place for all to come together and celebrate one of the summer’s biggest sporting events and their brand.

A place that excites the audience.

It’s a strategy to cheer for.

Here’s why:

📣 Engaging fandom

From brand fans to just football fans they’ve tapped into fandom and created an experience that everyone can enjoy and remember.

💥 Inspiring new fans

Through showcasing the brand’s connection to the world of football and the creativity behind their brand they’re able to inspire a new wave of brand advocates.

👟 Stamping authority

They’ve put their brand front and centre at a global event where other brands from across the sporting sphere are fighting for exposure.

We know not every brand has the resource pool that Adidas does.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t go big and excite the  audience at your next brand pop up.

So, why not book a free one to one brand appraisal and lets get talking about how to go big at your next event.

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