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New Horizons

How to build an ethically conscious brand without it becoming the leading narrative?

Introducing NYC menswear brand NOAH.

Being as ethically conscious as possible is a huge part of the brand’s foundations.

From taking a stand against appalling fashion industry practices and donating portions of their profits to causes they believe in to using more sustainable packaging and using recycled materials where possible.

They wear their heart on their sleeve when it comes to being as ethical a brand as they can.

Hell yeah to that!

But what we think is awesome is in the way Noah goes about this is…

They’re not shouting about it from the mountaintops.

It’s not the leading narrative of the brand.

They’re being ethical in their own way and you’re invited to join them.

Or as Noah put it – “We believe in doing things our own way, with conviction, according to principles we determine ourselves.”

Now, that’s a line we can get behind!

But besides being an ethically focused brand, what else rocks about NOAH?

Well, they effortlessly draw inspiration from subcultures and that’s in no small part to co-founder Brendon Babenzien and his roots and connections to skateboarding, surfing, and punk rock cultures.

And they’ve collaborated with some pretty awesome brands and bands from the likes of Puma and Barbour to The Cure and New Order.

We’re pretty big fans of NOAH’s ethical game and their knack for tapping into subcultures and a brand we think many in the outdoors industry could take real inspiration from.

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