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Exploratory Thinking

What if your next coat was brewed and not manufactured?

What if, your next coat was brewed and not manufactured?

This might sound like an odd question to ask.

But it’s a question that Japanese apparel manufacturer Goldwin recently asked.

They launched a collaborative collection of outdoor gear with manufacturing biotech partner, Spiber Inc. that utilised their trailblazing materials innovation Brewed Protein™ across the entire collection.

It’s a collection and collaboration that’s been in ‘brewing’ for more than 8 years.

And a collaboration that has sparked joint research and development projects seeking to create, develop and unlock innovative new materials for use in apparel manufacturing.

One that has seen the development and now use of a game changing material Brewed Protein™ material.

It’s a collaboration for the greater good of the planet and not one for gimmicks and quick sells.

But what on earth is Brewed Protein™?

Well, in a nutshell it’s lab-grown, plant-derived materials that are manufactured through a fermentation process kind of like brewing beer.

And it’s hoped that sometime in the near future they’ll replace conventional animal-based, plant-based or synthetic materials.

Ones that are having a seriously negative impact on our the planet.

So, in the not too distant future who knows your next jacket might be brewed not manufactured.

But with all this in mind, just what can we learn from Goldwin?

In our recent Mini-Paper we talked about outdoor brands not only banging on about their eco-credentials.

(Download here if you missed it)

Many brands build their positioning around this but don’t bring anything that is unique to the party.

But we don’t believe this applies to Goldwin.

They’ve truly innovated with something unique here, so they can bring this to the fore of their positioning and story.

We love the line and message “We endeavour to unlock potentials for a new future that has yet to be imagined.”

With a truly trailblazing product innovation leads to an incredible authentic and unique story around sustainability.

They are walking the walk, it’s not just talk.

Answering a genuine problem.

Leading the category.

So ready to lead your brand on a path of innovation?

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  •     Let’s dive into a world of innovation

Yours in innovation

Neil Bennett
Founder and space explorer

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