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New Horizons

How do you build a brand dedicated to people and the planet?

Meet the earth-friendly and sustainably trailblazers Story MFG!

Story MFG? It stands for Story Manufacturing, and they’ve got tales to tell!

They might not be an outdoors brand par say, but Story MFGs commitment to mother earth and their sustainable and ethical practices is pure inspiration!

They’re rewriting the playbook on what it means to be green and ethical.

From using earth-friendly natural dyes to skipping animal products altogether, Story MFG’s dedication to Mother Earth is next level! 

They even recycle scraps back into their garments and repurpose their natural dye waste into fertilising the very forests where their dyes originate.

Their products might have a higher price tag, but there’s a method to their madness. 

They’re proudly made in India, where fair wages are non-negotiable. It’s about quality over quantity and ethics over cheap. 

Story MFG isn’t your typical outdoors or technical brand, in fact they’re not really an outdoors brand, but that’s precisely what we love about them.

And what’s refreshing is their sustainable and ethical narrative isn’t overbearing,  it’s subtle, educational and not at all preachy and that’s something we love.

They’re forging a new path, and we’re here for it!

This is a brand that others in the outdoors industry could really learn a thing or two from and all take a leaf out of their book and tread a little lighter on our planet.

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