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Exploratory Thinking

Are you ready for a Halloween tale that’s more treat than trick?

Happy Halloween Brand Explorers.

As the spooky season descended upon us, my house became a haunted haven, adorned with cobwebs and filled with the eerie allure of Halloween films.

But the one that captured the hearts of my little ghouls and goblins was none other than “Hotel Transylvania.”

A film where a vampire fears humans—now that’s a twist. 

And it got me pondering a powerful concept in the world of branding: subversion.

Subversion, is the magic ingredient that keeps things interesting. 

It’s the spark that makes us look twice, the essence of captivating storytelling. 

And here’s the thing:

It’s the secret sauce for brands that want to stand out and gain that coveted competitive edge. 

Now, let me share some concrete proof of how subversion can work wonders in helping your brand stand out:

1. Balenciaga didn’t opt for a traditional fashion launch; they invited the beloved Simpsons to unveil their collection. That’s subverting expectations with style.

2. Heinz, a household name for ketchup, ventured into the wild world of paint with the Lick collaboration. Paint your home in ketchup? Now that’s a subversion that tickles the taste buds.

3. Yorkshire Tea, a tea brand synonymous with tradition, inspired kids to take their tea to Ibiza. Talk about a subversive tea party! The complete opposite from what you’d expect a tea brand to talk about.

4. Burger King, the fast food giant, used a mouldy whopper to highlight their decision to remove artificial preservatives from their flagship burger. That’s subversion with bravery and risk.

5. Burberry joined forces with video game Minecraft to release an in-game and IRL capsule collection. That’s such an unexpected placement that bridges digital and physical worlds.

These examples showcase the power of creative ideas that cut through the noise and leave an indelible mark. 

Now, if you’re craving that same kind of creative prowess and the ability to subvert the ordinary, here’s the rub—subverting the norm creatively takes bravery, and it takes a different perspective.

A different perspective that you might not always get from your internal marketing and creative teams.

And that’s where an external creative partner can scare the the horror show of expected marketing away.

Ready to see the world differently? 
Click the link below to explore the depths of subversion:

  •     Click Here
  •     Book a Zoom call with us
  •     Let’s dive into a world of subversion and harness it’s magic to help your brand be truly unforgettable.

So, my fellow brand marketeer, if you’re yearning for creative ideas that cut through the noise and set your brand on a path of subversion, take action now. 

Click that link, book that call, and let’s embark on a journey into the world of captivating storytelling and out-of-the-box thinking.

Let’s get spooky and subvert the norm together! 🎃👻

Yours in spooky exploration

Neil Bennett
Founder and space explorer

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