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Exploratory Thinking

“Read All about it” – the future of your brand is print!

You ever find yourself in a world drowning in a digital deluge, my fellow Brand Explorers?

It’s like a never-ending cascade of X’s, posts, and updates. Social media’s a battleground, and every brand is duking it out for attention, clawing desperately at the digital landscape.

It’s enough to make a marketer’s head spin, isn’t it?

And then there’s the budget conundrum.

“Oh, our budget’s as tight as a ship’s knot,”

As you watch the big dogs launch above-the-line campaigns that seem to stretch to infinity.

It’s enough to make you feel like you’re stuck in quicksand, sinking deeper into the digital abyss.

But hold on to your marketing hats, because I’ve got a story for you that might just blow your mind.

This week, I received a delivery of newspapers, yes newspapers!!

Courtesy of one of our favourite brands Vollebak.

Now, you might be thinking, “Newspapers? Really? In this digital age?” But bear with me.

These newspapers aren’t your run-of-the-mill, black-and-white, ink-stained relics of the past.

No, siree.

These newspapers are a work of art.


And here’s the thing – it is not a product catalogue or look book (though there is a bit of clobber).


It is beautifully designed, and bursting with insight, articles, and opinions that’ll make your head spin faster than a social media feed on steroids.

It’s filled with content you want to actually look at, read and even keep.

They dive deep into architecture, with a little help from the legendary Bjark Ingles.

They explore the wonders of nature.

Unravel the mysteries of science and tech.

And deliver a taste of the future with their positioning of ‘clothes from the near future.’

So, what’s the lesson in all of this, you ask?

Well, it’s as clear as a mountain stream.

In a world where every brand is fighting tooth and nail for social media supremacy or lamenting their budget limitations, a newspaper might just be the unexpected ticket to forging a deeper connection with your target audience.

Think about it.

While everyone’s busy thumb-scrolling through the digital chaos, you have the opportunity to stand out by going analog.

A well-crafted newspaper isn’t just information; it’s an experience. It’s tangible, it’s authentic, and it’s a breath of fresh air in a digital world.

So, my fellow brand explorers, take a cue from Vollebak.

Consider the power of a newspaper in your marketing arsenal.

It’s a chance to break free from the digital melee and reach your audience in a way that’s as timeless as storytelling itself.

In a world where everyone’s chasing likes and clicks, be the brand that delivers something unexpected, something real.

And remember, sometimes, the oldest media on the planet can be the key to a brand-new connection.

Want your very own copy? We’ve got spares!! Reply to this email and we’ll get a copy delivered.

Yours in exploration


Founder and Chief Strategy Officer

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