At Excursion Studio were big fans of Edward de Bono 😃
He famously coined the term ‘lateral thinking’ way back in 1967 🔙
And it’s a subject he’s written extensively on 😃

But how can lateral thinking help in finding new spaces to occupy?
Well, when we work with any client, thinking laterally plays a big part in solving their problems.
✖️ Is there a more lateral way to think about their position?
✖️ Can we look sideways into similar categories for inspiration?
✖️ How do product functions ladder into more lateral benefits?
✖️ How can these more lateral benefits ladder into culture?
✖️ What happens if we do completely the opposite to the competitors?
✖️ How do we break the category codes through design?
✖️ Can weaknesses be elevated into strengths?
We are all about taking brands down roads less travelled in seeking new routes to solving their problems and lateral thinking is an essential tool in our toolbox 🛠️
So, if you feel a lateral approach could help launch your brand into expansive new spaces get Excursion Studio we’re here to help ✌️