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Creative Explorers

Introducing: Helen Kirkum

In a world where fashion trends can come and go in the blink of an eye

It’s always nice to find creatives and brands that make use of all the throw away items that sadly these fast fashion trends create.

And it’s even nicer when they carve out space for themselves in busy, crowded and noisy categories.

And that’s exactly what Helen Kirkum and her team have done.

Through utilising recycled and deadstock sneaker materials Helen has created a unique brand within the sneaker world.

Through championing design through making and celebrating the art of handmade products, Helen and her team create truly one of a kind products that express individuality, spontaneous and conscious creativity and process driven craft.

But there’s more to Helen Kirkum and mega cool and unique sneakers.

Her craft and products show us that there is another way to approach design.

That not everything new has to be new.

That by giving new life to old waste we can create amazing designs and innovative products.

And with collaborations with the likes of Adidas and Asics Helen and her team are showing the footwear industry what can be done with their waste.

So in a time where we should all think about our waste consumption, we could all learn a thing or from Helen and her team.

Check out her work via the links – HELENKIRKUM STUDIO | HELEN KIRKUM INSTAGRAM

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We are a brand consultancy, design studio and ideas shop for a noisy planet.

The marketing world is increasingly crowded, noisy, fake, and complex. So we help brands thrive by taking them into expansive new spaces.

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