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Studio Itinerary

5 x bits of culture to add to your weekend itinerary

What’s caught our eye this week?

Here are 5 bits of culture to take into your weekend itinerary:

1. Blog: abduzeedo is a creative platform full of inspiration from the world of design, photography, and UX.

2. Magazine: TYPE01 one for lovers of all things creative, design and most importantly fonts

3. Book: Ultra-Processed People: Why Do We All Eat Stuff That Isn’t Fod … and Why Can’t We Stop? By Chris Van Lulleken is an eye opener on processed foods.

4. Documentary: Ross Edgley’s ‘Against The Lock’ is about a gruelling 72 hour non-stop swim across the freezing waters of Scotland’s mysterious Loch Ness.

5. Travel: The ‘Birdbox’ micro hotels allows you to be at one with nature, but in the comfort of a minimalistic contemporary feel of a modern hotel room.

What’s on your cultural itinerary this weekend? Let us know on Linked-In.

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Studio Itinerary

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