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Studio Itinerary

5 x bits of culture to add to your weekend itinerary

Documentary Film: Fly The Roof tells the story of Four young New Zealanders who step outside their comfort zones in a place far from home by preparing to paraglide from Mount Kilimanjaro in order to raise money for a primary school in Tanzania.

Challenge: Looking for a challenge this weekend? Ok, you may need a little more planning time for this but it’s one for the challenge book. Cycle up Bealach-Na-Ba challenge. Known as one of the greatest climbs in Britain. Bealach-Na-Ba really takes the breath away and offers a great cycling challenge. Starting from near sea-level it rises 626m in 9.1km of uphill – reaching 20% at its steepest gradient. If you wanted to do an ‘everesting’ challenge, it would only take 14.1 times to climb the 8,848m. Who’s got this one?

Exhibition: Combine the outdoors and art with a visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park over the weekend. Some mega bits on show from the likes of Damien Hirst, Daniel Arsham and many many more.

Book: Radical Landscapes: Art, Identity and Activism By Darren Pih

Space: Amager Bakke aka CopenHill, where sport meets energy. This mega space located Amager, Copenhagen Denmark is a sight to behold. Where else in the world can you abseil up the side of a power plant and then ski back down it? Nowhere that’s where.

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Studio Itinerary

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